GodBeliever, come on, there is no evidence that god exists is there?
The presence of the cosmos has no tangible or provable connection with the God of the BIble has it? There is nothing in the Bible which demonstrates wisdom beyond its time -- which truly would have been a demonstration of divine power -- instead the Bible is misogynistic, homophobic, racist, vengeful, threatening and slavish but promising deliverence from God's enemies. It is merely human wisdom -- all too human.
The Bible is a compilation of mainly fictional texts collected towards the end of the Roman Empire and officially declared sacred for the purpose of controlling the citizens.
There is no evidence that even one spirit being exists and thank goodness too, as this means we can all be ourselves and we need not fear the nightmare scenario of alien forces dominating our existence. Instead we enjoy free will and we should use it for our own happiness and to help others experience this freedom.
I chose to believe in God once as a young child, it was a bad choice. There was no evidence for me to believe in God and doing so led me to becoming one of Jehovah's Witnesses which put a heavy clamp on my mind and education.
When the penny dropped, I realised from the Bible's description of his activities that god is entirely a human construct, it was a release from a tyranny.The ultimate exemplar of faith is found in the Bible with God's friend Abraham who was prepared to sacrifice his only son for God. This paradigm of faith is totally disgusting. The God of the Bible bathes in human blood! Who would want anything to do with such ugly inhuman notions of slavish obedience. Wake up! this was never right-- but we have moved on.
Belief in God is a resignation from being responsible moral individuals. Giving up our freewill to the partisan sect which we have chosen as the most likely to have the best doctrines. God and sin only exist in the abstract to lead the gullible away from an honest and objective evaluation of our marvellous existence on planet earth.